Wednesday, July 29, 2009

8 Months Pregnant =)

*Wow...I can't believe I've been pregnant for 8 months! Things are still going well. I'm on bed rest until Sunday (Aug.2nd) I've been having contractions since last Sunday (July19th.) I take Brethine every 4 hours around the clock and it makes me completely LOOPY. But I'm dealing with it. I seen the Dr. today and I'm still dilated 1.5-2cm. So I really don't have much longer to go.
*Justin and I are still doing extremely well. He just got a new job @ National Packaging in Decatur and he's so excited. He actually starts tonight. And I'm so proud of him. He's such an amazing person and he just makes me so so happy =)
*My dad was in the hospital from Monday night until Today...They ran TONS and TONS of tests and finally discovered that he had a LOT of ulcers. So, he's recovering from that. Please keep him in your prayers!
*Mom and Harley are still doing well of course and so is the rest of the family!
*I got accepted into the HIT(Health Information Technology) Program @ Wallace and I will be starting those classes August 19th. I hope to finish this program by December 2010. My job will be a Medical Coder & Billing Specialist-or something to that effect.
*Baby Shower planning is still underway. I will post more about this as it becomes available.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful rest of the week & weekend! It's back to bed for me! I love you all!