Wednesday, July 29, 2009

8 Months Pregnant =)

*Wow...I can't believe I've been pregnant for 8 months! Things are still going well. I'm on bed rest until Sunday (Aug.2nd) I've been having contractions since last Sunday (July19th.) I take Brethine every 4 hours around the clock and it makes me completely LOOPY. But I'm dealing with it. I seen the Dr. today and I'm still dilated 1.5-2cm. So I really don't have much longer to go.
*Justin and I are still doing extremely well. He just got a new job @ National Packaging in Decatur and he's so excited. He actually starts tonight. And I'm so proud of him. He's such an amazing person and he just makes me so so happy =)
*My dad was in the hospital from Monday night until Today...They ran TONS and TONS of tests and finally discovered that he had a LOT of ulcers. So, he's recovering from that. Please keep him in your prayers!
*Mom and Harley are still doing well of course and so is the rest of the family!
*I got accepted into the HIT(Health Information Technology) Program @ Wallace and I will be starting those classes August 19th. I hope to finish this program by December 2010. My job will be a Medical Coder & Billing Specialist-or something to that effect.
*Baby Shower planning is still underway. I will post more about this as it becomes available.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful rest of the week & weekend! It's back to bed for me! I love you all!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Well, I started this blog back in December and only posted ONE time. But so much has changed since then and I decided I needed to update the blog and actually keep up with things so that anyone who wants to know what's going on with me and my family will have a way to do so.
First of all, Justin and I
ARE together. I'm sure that some people don't agree and that's fine. That's their opinion and I would prefer if they keep it to themselves =) He deserves a second chance just like anyone else. And all i ask is that people give him that chance. We are having a baby in September and that's just how it is. It is a little boy and his name is Aiden Chance. We are SUPER excited and cannot wait for him to be here. No, we're not married and we're not getting married right now. Later on down the road, I do see us getting married and spending the rest of our lives together.
Next thing, Justin and I have been through the ringer these past months and things have been really hard. I went through a period of time where I didn't want anyone. And I didn't treat him the way that he should've been treated. And now I feel absolutely horrible about the way I acted. But, what's in the past stays in the past. We have started fresh and things are going wonderfully. He's an amazing person and he's going to be a great father to our child. I love him, He loves me, and that's really all that matters.
Now for what else is going on, I still work at the hospital on the 5th Floor (Ortho Trauma.) I work two nights a week as a tech and one night a week as a secretary. It's been hard working and being pregnant. I never knew it'd be so much work. And I'm such a baby. =) However, I'm still working and I hope to work up until right before Aiden decides to grace us with his presence.
I am back in Moulton Alabama, living with my mom and my sister. It really has helped me out a lot to be able to live here with them. It's given me the opportunity to catch up on my bills and try to get my life back in order. I'm so grateful to be able to stay here. I don't exactly know how things are going to work when the baby comes but I'm sure things will be fine and we'll do whatever it takes to makes things work and have a happy life.
I'm still in school at Wallace. Mostly taking online classes and just trying to take as many classes as possible. I do hope to finish nursing classes sometime. I don't know exactly WHEN but, I am determined to finish.
My goal for this blog is to post as often as possible just to let everyone know how things are going. I'm 28 weeks as of yesterday and things are going GREAT for the most part. It's so amazing to feel him move and kick. Words just cannot express the feelings that I have.
I know this has been long but I've now updated everyone with what's going on in my life. My email address is And if you need my cell # then email me at that address and I'll get it for you. Hope all is well with everyone! Love you guys!

**The Baby Shower is sometime around the end of July. We have registered at Target and Babies R Us. We are using a Sesame Street/ELMO theme. Kmart has tons of Sesame Street stuff and Walmart has some. I will post more later with the Shower details!**

Monday, December 22, 2008


Well guys, I've decided to start this blog to hopefully let out some frustrations and just to keep everyone updated on how things are going in my life! So I will post more soon. Hope everyone has a great week and a Merry Christmas! I love ya'll.

All my love,
Amber Markaye